How can it work for you?
The Hummingbird Clock depends on your participation and there are hundreds of reasons why you might need to know the exact time and date a recording was made. Legal disputes about the exact time of a recording are common. Below are some examples of how The Hummingbird Clock can be used in such disputes:

- The fingerprint of the mains buzz can be used as an alibi for someone to prove where they were at a specific time.

- Proving that someone has prior knowledge of a crime is a common point of contestation in cases of corruption. The Hummingbird Clock could potentially be used to ascertain someone knew something before they claim they did by proving that a given recording was made before a certain date and time.

- Perhaps you are caught on a recording that is being used as evidence against you, but know that it has been edited to make it sound as if you said things you didn't, or that certain material has been edited out. The Hummingbird Clock would be able to prove that the recording has indeed been tampered with by demonstrating how the buzz has been patched together from different moments in time rather than one continuous flow..

If you happen to be involved in this kind of legal dispute yourself, or know of some other situation that depends on corroborating the exact time an audio or video recording was made, please send your recording along with a few details via the submission page. The material will then be forwarded to a committee of investigators for review and analysis. The committee is currently formed of the Liverpool Biennial office, Forensic Architecture at Goldsmiths College,University of London and Lawrence Abu Hamdan’s Private Ear agency. The committee will assess the submission and get back to you as soon as possible to discuss the case, or directly present you with the results of analysis by the Hummingbird Clock along with a detailed technical report about how it was conducted.
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